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Rainbow tears.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Finally finished my blogging stuff :D.
Later going to tution .
I hate tution x-x .
Hope mummy dun rmb got tution x;
Lawlls .
Short post . <3.
Byes (:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Goodnights guys .
I'm tired enough for seaching blogskins .
Changing my screwed blogskin tmr .
Cyas. (:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Yesterday quarreled with mum .
I bang the wall .
Mummy took away modem .
Hais , hate myself for being unrespect !
She nag for my own good .
I still scolded her . Damn.
But i really focus on my study & my slimming progress.
Mum, i'll prove to you . <3.
I'll aim for straight A's.
Seriously ,I hate myself !

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Monday, January 5, 2009

Came back from school .
Today met some subject chers :D.
Science & Bahasa teacher most fierce x-x .
Bahasa cher's voice . Sians .
My eardrum brking when she shouting -.- .
Homework coming x-x .
Short post ~
Going toilet . x;
Emergency !
Buhbyyes .

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Heyys peepos .
Yesterday played audi with girlfriend .
She be dj , then she choose songs .
Ended up all songs sounds like Indian rap x-x '
Me & her start crapping x;
''Cook curry pls'' lawls .
''Abithey , Abunehneh'' Rooarrs .
Then girlf went out walk walk .
Few hours ltr , she's bacck (:
Then jio Jovina laopo audi toos :D.
Played 12party .
Then i called Shermine jiayouuu x;
*Push her kacheng*
Then Jovina laopo said i molested . ):
Nothing much , ilovethem :] . <3

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Friday, January 2, 2009

I admit , it's tired to quarrel with Retard. o.o
Keep saying i grammar failed & bitch & Retard.
Not tiring mehh , keep repeat . lawls .
He : u no hokkien sibo .
Me : is Know , not no (:
He : Lol , bb .
He : Is know whads the fking words? is it in the bitch dit ..?
He : Is ''Know''
He : Very ''nice'' grammar you hv .
Lol sia ? -.-
He : go read dit la bitch .
Me : Dit ? Dictionary o.o ?
Me : Is Dic not dit (:
He : You soo outdated ?
He : You retard or sumthing ?
Me : Is something (:
He : You see what's the dic for the shortform .
Me : You just said Dic what .
He : Mai bark here/ talk cok / e.t.c
Me : Is Cock (:
After those conversation , I'm going to die for his GRAMMAR.
Hotmail Removed (:
I'm kind enough , thanks x; .
Rawrs .

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

xMoonL/xPranks .
Do you loves ppl dislike you ?.
I'm sorry , i hates you for my life.
I'm totally enough of you .
1st , you scolded me ,
Because i nvr reply your msn chat ,
While i'm plying maplestory p.server .
You scolded me vulgars & blame me for not putting Away sign.
I'm also not your laobu , or girlfriend .
Or some important shyyt .
Seriously .
Non of your business , mann .
& You said you attract attention .
In game , spam mega for making yourself famous .
That's lame cannnzxzxzx .?
For some peepos , it's irritating & annoying.
& You did promised not to scold me w/o reason.
But you just did just now .
Okays , i'm doing an explaination to you .
1st , i scolded those who dislike csms.
But i'm NOT . You understand what's NOT ?
Are you blind ? Or your specs spoiled or whatever shyt .?
You didn't see properly & yet you fxcking scolded me ?
Scolded me & blocked me ? Hum .?
Get a life .
& I dun wish to Advertise your hotmail here.
Seriously , change your attidude .
It's suckk to the core !

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Heyyys peepos .
Sorry for a short mia :D.
Today went school .
Eivinina laopo same class with me ! roarrrrrr (:
Sit with my 3rd gan jie :D.
She keep plying my handphone . =/ .
Lucky , our form teacher Kind & chioo ;D.
Bought exercise books .
Carry till my hand pain till now x.x .
Regret nvr bring begg to sku ! T.T
At 9.30 a.m, going home from sku.
Traffic jam for half an hour ._. .
Then went daddy's clinic for breakfast.
Thr's a kopitiam at the corner of clinic xD.
& Chatted with mummy .
Then mummy show me daddy's clinic worker's hair.
ZOMG , Africa girl ! ahahahaha =/ .
She's sexy anyways . *envyyy*
Craps & laughs . :D
Then daddy came back from operation .
Mummy laughs me cause got patient thr =/ .
Then she shhh me . lol .
Afterthat , my piggy di phone mummy .
I hang up , act like ahgua's sound. f3'

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Where are you ?
@ th-colouredlove.bs (:
Spammers , Shoo .
Crappers , Shoo .
Hate me , click here . (:
Love me , Enjoy & leave taggs (:

Anita ; Xinyu
One year older on every June 1st!
Smk Methodist 3D'09
A very random & talkative girl who
is a CrazyLover of Cookies ♥

Music & Gans is definitely part of her.
Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Hotmail ; Friendster ; Blogskins

Outgoing with Shermine.
Bugis with Shermine.
Learn photoshopcs2.
Learn java script.
1 2 3 4 5 piercings.
Good result.
Nice hairstyle.
Draw chibis.
Stop crying.
Change my IC fugly pic.
Slim down.
Winter scene
More to add. :l


15 songs playing.
Lie About us - Avant ft N.Scherzinger
When It Was Me - Pauala DeAnda
Can I Have This Dance - HSM3
It's Over - Jesse McCartney
Superhuman - C.brown ft K.Hilson
Single Ladies - Beyonce
One Last Try - Stevie Hoang
Happily Never After - N.Scherzinger
Sukidayo我爱你 - Sunday Girls
我爱的人 - 林宥嘉
You Make Me Wanna - Blue
对不起 - 王子
One Step At A Time - Jordin Sparks Whatever You Like - N.Scherzinger ft T.I

Adelane ; Amir ; Camilia ; Cream ; Cheryl ; Chelsea ; Chloe ; Daphy ; Daryl ; Dylan ; Glendon ; Jovina ; Kelvin ; Kristi ; Shermine ; Spbt ; Qihao ; Vinvin ; Whiten ; Yanxu ;

December 2008
January 2009

Designer: Shirleen/Jialing