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Rainbow tears.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tag replies .(:

Jovina: LOL , dhen we need tongkak le x: We buy ahmu shirt ltr . lawls.
YANXU (:: KorKor ! Thanks for the tagged x3.
♥.SPBT™ Muki:: Muki ! <3.
♥ LOVES,Camilia:]: Awwww , Thanks darlingg (: . ILOVEYOUMUCHMUCHTOOS.
Jovina: Yea , something looking at me , named Jovina i think , if i never get wrong :D.
Jovina: Thanks for th relinkked .
Jovina: Of course eur my beloved one
Aloy : Thanks for the tagged . x3
iDamn: Lol sotong , thanks for eur hearts .

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Hellos peepos (:
Mann , iloveShermine&Jovina damn trucklots !
Hahahas , Jovina laopo , your tagg sibeh funny !
Went toilet , She said ltr got Kazhua in my toilet.
& We craps tons&lots . After that get bored again . x.x
Then quarrel with one Retarted.
Damn youu lahhs , i fxckoff . ?
You fxck out , freak !
& Camilia darling don't upset le .
Iloveyoos (:
Girlfriend , listen up !
You're not stupid .
You're not a fxcking chee byye bitch .
Don't hate everything .
Don't hate urself .
Ignored themm cannzxzxzx ?
Don't curse urself mann ):
& Don't die .
Your heart died , ie can heal it .(:
You die , do he cares . ?
Fxckcares dhem .
Please , girl .
Don't do stupid things .
No matter what happened , i'm thr girl !
i'm your SUPERWOMAN !
Don't think le , you making eurself hurts more & more.
You change e-mail , i change withh you .
I planning to change it long ago .
Nothing much , iloveShermine&Jovina .

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Monday, December 29, 2008

Hellos guys (:
Sorry for the mia .
Yesterday went chalet in Kuching .
Reached thr , daddy carry boxes with foods.
He said : Soo paiseh , breads also bring here .
Ppl saw le laughs ltr . lmaos .
I'm the one laughs him 1st x.x
We bring tons & lots of foods & drinks x.x
Bt stay thr one night only . lawls.
Then at the night , went to eat & blablabla .
Played comp till midnight around 2+
Tired le , go bed sms .
Seriously the next morning . i was kinda mad. -.-
My brother set shuffle songs for alarm.
& the shuffle songs got Chicken sounds .
Damn annoying . zzz.
Woke up at around 6 ._.
Just back from short holiday :D
Today just joined SPBT <3.
Thanks Camilia & SPBT sisters (:
Just now a girl asked me some OMGWTFBBQ question .
She said , she will teach me how to buy correct bra & How's the feelings .
I was like , aduhs , kinda embarresed . x.x
Going bath le . (:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sorry for th mia. :D
Here's th tag replies (:
Loneey NN : Lols , hi Laopo (:
{ ♥ } S.HERMINE.:Hahas , ya luhs. Mia . & ilytoos :D
-T:Ya , thanks for the tagged :D & hi <3.
#Glendon:D:Heyy superdarling & thanks for the tagg.<3
Jovina:Belated Merry Christmas too! <3
~!~daryl!~!~:Lol di , thanks for the relink . :D
xVinVin: Thanks kor .& takecares toos .
{ ♥ } S.HERMINE.: Thanks girlfriend . ilytoo :D
dylan: Belated Merry Christmas siaodaborh .
我是 SPBT™ Camilia {♥}: Thanks darling for th relink (:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Roarrr , i'm back x;
23th night .at 12+ a.m
I gave mummy a sweet kiss.
&words that melted her heart.
Because 24th her b`day~
Merry Christmas everyone ! (:
Went bbq , handsome cousin also go :xD.
Enjoy talking with my AhPing auntie ! <3
After we back , our whole body full of bbq's smell . lawls.
Mummy , daddy , uncle , auntie went church .
I'm alone with my piggy di in room.
Using this troublesome keyboard x.x
P:S . Sorry my Superwoman , Shermine. ):

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

P.s : Sorry Jovina laopo .
Forget put your pretty name under my Lovess x:
Tomorrow going Kuching .
But will be plying comp still .
Finding brushes for Photoshop .
Finding tutorials still ):
If got nice tutorials ;
Kindly leave th webby url at my tagboard ;D
Thanks ! <3 .
Short post ~
Anyways ; There's a Cookie poem. <3

I'm Cookie ;
Delicious & Yummy.
Wanna eat me ?
Pay me fee (:
Not expensive ;
$5000 only. <3

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Sunday, December 21, 2008

This morning chatting with Horny boony&Shermine Girlfriend.
Hornykia Boony kena ie disiao. xD.
Then go play arcade alone outside .
Sorry luhs , boony .
Chat with girlfriend about Slimming . x:
Blablabla , ozibala , many things also out . lawls.
Promised when ie slim , we go Bugis shopping like no tomorrow.
Then went blogshops see see .
Saw many Tee , Nf short pants & tons of nice shirts .
Jealoussss x:
Girlfriend wanna buy Pink Elmo Tee x:
Superman ; Elmo ; Monkey ; Mixed Tee soo cute . <3 !
Wants to buy ''♥ My Girlfriend[s]'' Tee with Shermine .
After that , spamm girlfriend msn , bt she never reply .
I tot she went field jogging .
Ended up is my msn lagg & Stucked , then i fall asleep.
Superdarling & Girlfriend online ! <3.
Bt having cold war with Danny stead .
Wanna chat to Superdarling , he gtg .
Thanks girlfriend for th Banner & Webby :D
Chat with girlfriend , then few hours , she gtg.
Superdarling came bk , gtg again. ):
Baaaa ; Whatever . imissdhem !
Sms-ing with ex , made me dulan ._.
Lazy reply him le .
Miss di's ChickensoupMS !
Faster get your PIGU back to CSMS . roars.
I go back msn ston le .
Byebyes .<3

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Friday, December 19, 2008

I wanna slimmmm ):
Hais , hungry till siao,
But cannot eat .
Seriously having a bad headache .
Just now taking water ,
Pass by dinner room ,
Many foods ! x:
Bt i keep calling ownself cannot eat D:
Dar keep scolded me to eat ,
But i DUNWAN x:
Sorry dear .
Having small war with Superdarling ! ._.
Damnnn , grrrr .
Okays , msn time {:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Big Thanks for Girlfriend !
Love th siggy <3.

Credits : Mehmeh Girlfriend.

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Camilia darling's works :D .
Thankiews. <3
Simple & nice .

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

I'm totally pissed of Citrixms .
Superdarling banned for warping ppl to jumpquest.
Last time girlfriend banned for no reason .
Unbanned le , nt even responsible .
The commands , player can use .
Even i did it also , why must banned him ?
There's tons of player doing it .
If it's banable , why don't put a notice ?
People keep warping , Gms keep banning ?
Oh , come on , common sense , dude !
& If it's a illegal commands ,
Why don't find a pro coder to code it .
If i blame in front of GMs ,
They sure mute me , or ban my ip .
So i post here .
Anyways , Siaox3 gm th best in Citrixms (:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Baaahhaaaaahaaahaa ;
Just saw dear's picture .
I tot was 东方神起 de member .
Then it was dear .
Zomg , really shuai ><
I still use handphone take it down .
Then show my di . lawls .
I'm over-crazy.
Just woke up from lil nap .
Christmas coming ,
Yet Sku coming also x.x
Sians , next year must study hard .
Stressted . I wanna slim , I wanna study ~

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Zzzz , saw that bitch face again .
Bitch , stop acting big in game .
You'r such a jerk in my eyes .
I hope you see my post .
& Hope you know im refering to who .
Watchout , & mind your fxcking words .
You angmo girl so wadd , mai xialan .
People just jking dhat ;
Don't Abuse gm power , u scolded him Fools .
Fxckoff , Fxcker . You're sicko .
Like wad others said , Old lady bitch acting cute .
Don't make me pukes , You're fugly all th way .
Actually I don't give a fxcking cares of you .
But , bitch , your attidude , Suck To The Core (:
If you're asian , your attidude ..
People saw you walking along th Street or wadever shit ,
Sure whack you like no tomorrow .
Mind your words & fxcking grow up , bitch .
Making yourself famous using this method . ?
Get a life , girl.

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Shut up , Girl !
Today almost lost 2 gans & my dear -.-
One sotong , one stead & one Superdarling .
Baaaaaaa ; kinda stressted uhhs .
Sku re`open day coming .
More stressted .
I wanna rewind !
Return back my time to th 1st day of Holiday .
Lawlls .
Anyways ,
Welcome back gina Kendrick .
Hope your eyes get well soon .
Remember , natural ang gong nt nice .
Lolss .
Just search for some ms p.server .
But still miss ChickensoupMS . <3.
Di sure enjoy his trip at Vietnam .
I wanna go overseaaaaaaaa !
Just chat with Sotong ;
One metoto friend ;
& One boi which really ''Long time no see''
Going to sleep ,
There's a piano lesson for me tomorrow (:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Nothing much happen today .
Nono , something happen ._.
My kor , xialan again !
Plying ms , i nvr reply ;
Said ie fxcking with my stead -.-
Damn , mad sia !
Still said many reason , like it's my fault .
Hais , suay , boweigong .
Morning , cousin & his friend went back Kuching.
House empty again .
Just finished plying di's ms .
Grats Superdarling & erzi promoted (:
Tomorrow daryl di going Vietnam .
祝他一路顺风 <3.
Blogging half half , darling msn me .
Asked me why i nvr talk . lol o.o .
Listening to ''Can I Have The Dance'' .
Soo sweet x: , melting . lalalas .
Misshimlots x]] . going msn le . cyas (:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Stupid me !
Go mad on di's ms .
Damn damn . im bad .
Felt bad & guility ):
Sorry Daryl di , jie nt blamming you .
Ieloveyous kays (:
Sell you candy :D
Lol . x:
Lalalas , boring .
Msn got problems just now .
Now fine le . getting songs from camilia darling .
Rly bored . sku coming somemore !
Sian sian sian ):

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

finally can ply di's ms le .
bt , aww , he forgetten codings stuffs.
so server down for a while.
waiting for di's ms up :D
crapping with Superdarling & siaoeh in msn .
di seems stressted . ):
prayed for di .
in th name ,
of th father ,
of th son ,
& of th holy spirit .
amen ! . lol .
lamer x:
short post . <3

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Monday, December 15, 2008

yesterday slept at 5a.m ,
today woke up @ 12.32 .
lucky nvr late for my piano lesson x:
today just learnt ''You Raise Me Up'' song from westlife :D
im noob , teacher teach me till wanna mad. lol
reached room , i went citrixms slacked .
chat with superdarling aka xYUMMY .
& wb here & thr . lol . kays , imm lame .
siiiansss jor , di de mysql done ,
yet java problems came out x:
DI , ie really wanna ply ur ms ! f5 .
finished eating , ate chicken wing & prawns . lol
saw David ,cousin's friend go upstairs do downstairs x:
ie pass by him , he like soo shy one . awww . rofl .
while eating , heard 神木与瞳's intro .
美珍said her优点is too chio . hahas .
she really pretty anyways(: .
mummy was busy today .
someone doing telephone .
another doing streamyx .
so , mummy keep going here & thr to direct dhem . LOL
blablabla , many ppl in house x:
okays , imma stop here :D
cyas. <3 .

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

OKAYS ! it's almost 5 morning now .
finally done my blogging stuff.
im going to bedddd :D
cyas tomorrow . (:
loves all `

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Crying while blogging ..
Did i did something wrong ..?
or i oversensitive .. ?
or i think too much .. ?
ie can feel me , jie & darling's relationship ,
getting colder & colder ..
ie want time return back !
ie really loves my dearest gans ..
wad shld i do , to make our r/s alive ..
see-ing both of you soo steady , im envy .
why im not a part of u guys ..
ie oso wanna steady with jie & darling ..
hais , ie hate myself !

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Darling , where r eu !
msn you bo reply .
busy blogging ? imissyou lei .
my rl di suddenly told me my cousin's friend gone .
he's nt in room o.o , we like ZOMG !
rofl , at th end cousin & friends plying hide & seek -.-
using handphone record sound attract th boi out f3 .
now chatting with bun daddy , daryl di & darling (:
baka di , few days ago told me dunno hw to create p.server ;
yet now created x: , zaikia :D.
then edited wrong stuff or something ,
corrupted x:
now creating bk , bt MYSQL spoiled. lol .
chloe jie badddie ! msn her bo reply .
sobbbbb , hope jie nt angrying with me or something .
just called darling help me on blogging thingy .
lawls , i keep asking dhis & that .
hope she nt mad on me x:
lawls , blogging half half ,
di spam ''OK YES OK YES OK YES''
his MYSQL works , lol , can recreate server le .
me & him happy till keep typo .
finally received my dearest darling msn msg!
aduhs , my baka darling mapling ,
forget my cbox thingy . lol x:
she went bk maple , imissherMUCH x:

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Paisehhh , long time bo post le .
im lazybuggggg x:
aww , dhat Bitch seriously making me hate her lots -'-
still kena promoted in *ms .
Ewwww ,fuckoffbitch!
even camilia darling also hates her !
lawls , my di just falls down beside me .
made me laughs x:
cousin came Sibu & stayed at my house .
there's 3 lengzai with him .*wink*
lawlllsss , bt i dun dare face dhem .
shyshy x: !
okays , imma stop here (:
<3 .

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Thursday, December 11, 2008

woke up at 9a.m .
Eletricity down at 10a.m ._.
me & my rl di crazy-ing at Kitchen ;
while my auntie cooking .
she wrote ingredients on paper ,
two of us read , make both of us laughs. x:
Mushroom Button'' X= lol .
then after that , we sit at another lil dinner room''
me & di was in high mood today morning . LOL
he wants to put some sugar in th Soyabean which my maid made :D
then i pour lots sugar in th Soyabean . LOL .
he drink th Soyabean , like wad dog drink water ._.
after dhat , we went to living room .
living room was dark & kinda scared x;
my rl bro walked in front , i scared him ;
i said ''WAH , WAD'S DHAT'' .
then i run , he shouted & run also . rofl .
after auntie finished cooking .
we went living room together .
me & my di kisiao again .
we use th bamboo fan'' blow th eletrical fan which nt working .
SIAOEH x; ! then we tired .
my rl bro slping with naked . x;
it's super duper hot , seriously .
i slp at sofa , then woke up , change place slp .
slp here , slp thr . to see which one cooler .
but non each of dhem is cooler .
till 4.30 p.m , i woke up . X;
was mad for th eletricity shut down ._.
then me , my rl di & maid chatting tgt at dinner room .
around 4.45 , finally eletricity works :D
then i shouted YES ! my maid shocked & she jump x; .
me & my di keep laughing . lol .


Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

*&*&^*(((^$(*^%%$##!(*%##$^#^* !

my friend calling me from China .
ZOMG . sorry xiaotian , i cant hang up .
cause my hp oso will cost me darnnnn high.
chatting with dear :D .
bout porn . jkjkk x;


Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

dere's many problems happened today ]:
Quarrel , War , Insult . awwww . stressted .
just now ie was jealous , i mad & go around flirting .
i keep ignored my dear . ouch* heartpains now-
bt ie really dun meant it . im not flirter ]:
just want him to noticed me D:
i promise him no more next time <3.
sorry , i felt bad .
ilovehim man , he've totally melted my heart .
im mad , cause one global gm in *MS
zzzz , duhs . i hate her for my life !
Anyways ,Siaox3. gm thanks for th warping :D
ie loves Hill Of Christmas's moon !
enjoyed dating with my baobeii Dan =P
Samatha aiai & ken gina dun quarrel le .
i used to be peace maker of both of you .
but this time idk wad to do .
hope both of you are fine now (:
thinking of slping late seems mummy nt at home .
so tomorrow dunnid to go for piano lesson .
bt it's imposible . baaaaaaa ;
tomorrow still need go Macdonald return my friend's pendrive
at 10.30 morning -.-
okays . tat's all .
*puff* :D


Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Wad a beautiful Butterfly ! :D

Helloosss guys . Cookie's awake :D.

sobbs , just wake up , saw kor's chat which Dissapointed miie .
baaaaaaa ; chatting with dear , camilia darling & Andrei .

stupidd Andrei said im horny . baaaaa ; !
mummy went Kuching . miss her lots !
cousin went back Kuching .
House was sooooooo damnnnnzxzxzx empty .
finished bath , stonning in front of comp .
im bored , mama .
i'll stop here :D . post later ! [:


Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Wad a Beautiful Sunshineeeee :DD

Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Today mye maple son aka thBaka ;
hosted an Question&Answer event.
there's only 3 person , me & another 2 mapler.
he's 1st questionn was ''who is my maple mum''
then one player answered correct.
th another said ''personal question , how i know ._. ''
then cc to chn1 .
thBaka son , he was funneh ._. .
he asked ''wad's mob between room x to room x''
th mapler was new in th ms .
he going out room 1 portal to check .
bt son said ''NO CHECKING''
i was drinking .
rofl , almost pukes out my water.
YAWNS ,finally found one blogskins which suit me x;
Search till my hand almost cramp
awwwww , mum going holiday . missher. <3.
it's 2.31 a.m . ie cant sleep ._.
stonning & posting .
blablabla . i guess tat's all :D.
cyas guys <3


Behind Rainbows , There's me & you , boi .

Where are you ?
@ th-colouredlove.bs (:
Spammers , Shoo .
Crappers , Shoo .
Hate me , click here . (:
Love me , Enjoy & leave taggs (:

Anita ; Xinyu
One year older on every June 1st!
Smk Methodist 3D'09
A very random & talkative girl who
is a CrazyLover of Cookies ♥

Music & Gans is definitely part of her.
Take an U.F.O to visit me (:
Hotmail ; Friendster ; Blogskins

Outgoing with Shermine.
Bugis with Shermine.
Learn photoshopcs2.
Learn java script.
1 2 3 4 5 piercings.
Good result.
Nice hairstyle.
Draw chibis.
Stop crying.
Change my IC fugly pic.
Slim down.
Winter scene
More to add. :l


15 songs playing.
Lie About us - Avant ft N.Scherzinger
When It Was Me - Pauala DeAnda
Can I Have This Dance - HSM3
It's Over - Jesse McCartney
Superhuman - C.brown ft K.Hilson
Single Ladies - Beyonce
One Last Try - Stevie Hoang
Happily Never After - N.Scherzinger
Sukidayo我爱你 - Sunday Girls
我爱的人 - 林宥嘉
You Make Me Wanna - Blue
对不起 - 王子
One Step At A Time - Jordin Sparks Whatever You Like - N.Scherzinger ft T.I

Adelane ; Amir ; Camilia ; Cream ; Cheryl ; Chelsea ; Chloe ; Daphy ; Daryl ; Dylan ; Glendon ; Jovina ; Kelvin ; Kristi ; Shermine ; Spbt ; Qihao ; Vinvin ; Whiten ; Yanxu ;

December 2008
January 2009

Designer: Shirleen/Jialing